Sent by email Jun 4. 2018
To All Residents,
The LRV BOD appreciates all the volunteers and everything they do to add to the park both as a financial savings as well as a labor savings. This being said, it is the BOD’s responsibility to oversee our community both in a financial capacity as well as an operational capacity. As a part of these responsibilities, any changes/improvements to the common areas of the park must have prior approval from the BOD. By this I mean, we need to have a drawing/plan and a vision from you or your group on what you would like to see happen in this common ground area. Sometimes what you think might be a simple plan or change may actually involve a permit, a drawing from an engineer, affect another area, or need funds for which we have not budgeted, etc. These are just some of the things the BOD’s need to review and discuss before you begin a project. As a board member the last 1-1/2 years there are plenty of things that I have learned that I would have never considered even thinking about as a resident. So please keep in mind we as BOD’s are elected by the shareholders and are here to guide the community and help you with anything you would like to discuss, but we must follow our community bylaws/rules as well as those from Federal, State, and County Authorities. Also, as a reminder, any changes you are doing to your home or property on the outside, this includes changing the paint color of the house or trim requires a drawing of the change or addition, or paint sample(s), an approval from the BOD’s before the work begins.
On behalf of all the BOD’s we hope you are having a wonderful, healthy, fun loving summer and are looking forward to your return!
Marla Coy, President
Lake Region Mobile Home, Inc.
863.439.1623 x 207