Name Tags and Door Clips
Residents are encouraged to wear name tags to village events.
The Social Club provides shareholders and lot renters one engraved name tag at no cost. There is a charge for replacing a tag. Seasonal renters can also purchase tags.
Nick Romanow, 475 Sycamore Ln, is now making our name tags. If you need a new one, they are now only $5 each. Call Nick at 517-375-0941to order ags.
Kim, 260-908-1525, has stickers for new residents to put on their name tag. This will identify new residents so existing members can meet and greet them.
Door Clips for newsletters and notices
The Social Club also 11/9/2017 voted to purchase and sell clips for newsletters and notices at resident’s homes. The Social Club will also assist in installing the clips if needed. The intent is to encourage more consistent and cleaner clips for volunteers who distribute information to use.